AFFITRUM is well-positioned to drive sustainable growth



The AFFITRUM.A project emerges as a dynamic force in the blockchain landscape, with its native utility token $TRUM poised to drive the TRUM ecosystem and revolutionize the Ad exchange industry. With a well-structured token allocation and an exciting presale offering, AFFITRUM.A aims to empower its community and foster sustainable growth. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the $TRUM token, the ongoing presale, and the token economics that underpin the project’s vision for the future.

Introducing $TRUM Token:

At the heart of the AFFITRUM.A project lies the $TRUM token, a native utility token that serves as the backbone of the TRUM ecosystem. With a total supply of 100 million $TRUM, the token is designed to support the development of the $TRUM blockchain and facilitate transactions within the Ad exchange platform.

Token Info

  • Total Supply: 100M $TRUM
  • Presale Allocation: 72M $TRUM
  • Liquidity & CEX Allocation: 20M $TRUM
  • Mining & Rewards Allocation: 8M $TRUM
  • Token Name: AFFITRUM
  • Token Abbreviation: TRUM
  • Token Decimals: 6

Presale Allocation and Structure:

The presale phase plays a pivotal role in the initial distribution of $TRUM tokens. Out of the total supply, 72 million $TRUM tokens are allocated to the presale, providing early investors and supporters an exclusive opportunity to acquire the token at favorable rates. This strategic allocation is crucial for raising funds to fuel the project’s development and drive its vision forward.

Current Presale Progress:

The ongoing $TRUM presale has garnered significant attention, with 12% of the presale completed as of now. The current round price stands at 1 ETH for 15,151 $TRUM tokens. With the presale end time approaching, participants are eager to secure their $TRUM tokens at the prevailing rate.

Empowering the Community:

AFFITRUM.A is committed to fostering an inclusive and engaged community. Participants in the presale are not only securing their stake in the TRUM ecosystem but also have the opportunity to invite friends and earn rewards. Through the referral program, participants can earn 5% of the purchased ETH by their referred friends and unlock 100% Airdrop, further enhancing the project’s network effect.

AFFITRUM.A’s Vision for the TRUM Ecosystem:

The $TRUM token plays a central role in the TRUM ecosystem, where it fuels various transactions and activities. The project envisions creating a thriving Ad exchange platform where businesses can seamlessly connect with targeted audiences. The $TRUM tokens on the Arbitrum Chain will drive this ecosystem, promoting efficiency and transparency in Ad exchange operations.

Token Economics and Sustainability:

Tokenomics is a critical aspect of any successful blockchain project, and AFFITRUM.A places great emphasis on ensuring a sustainable and balanced token economy. The strategic allocation of $TRUM tokens in the presale, liquidity and CEX allocation, mining and rewards allocation, and the AFFI token price are all carefully planned to support the long-term growth of the TRUM ecosystem.

Listing and Future Prospects:

Following the successful presale, $TRUM will be listed on various cryptocurrency exchanges, enabling broader accessibility and liquidity. The project’s roadmap includes continuous development, enhancement of the Ad exchange platform, and exploration of new partnerships to expand its market reach.


AFFITRUM.A and its native utility token $TRUM stand at the forefront of innovation, ready to redefine the Ad exchange industry and the TRUM ecosystem. Through a well-structured presale offering, the project invites early investors and supporters to be part of its vision for a transparent and efficient Ad exchange platform. With a strategic token allocation and a commitment to community engagement, AFFITRUM.A is well-positioned to drive sustainable growth and establish itself as a leading player in the blockchain landscape. As the presale progresses and the project advances, the potential impact of $TRUM on the Ad exchange industry is bound to be nothing short of transformative.

For More Information:









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